Extrafine Rusk is an ideal product for the manufacture of seasonings and flavours as its bland aroma, taste and high absorbency properties means it is an ideal carrier and unlike flour or starches it is slightly gritty providing easier mixing and blending.
Rusk is a dried cereal ingredient that is microbiologically very clean used primarily as a filler and binder in meat products. Circa the turn of the century it was first manufactured as a replacement for bread in sausages because the use of a raising agent rather than yeast provided a more stable finished product with a longer shelf life.
Rusk is manufactured from wheat flour, salt and a raising agent by a traditionally slow process of baking, drying, gristing and blending to produce a consistently high quality product capable of absorbing twice its own weight of water without being soft and pasty.

Superfine Rusk is widely used as a carrier for flavours, colours and seasonings but because of its larger particle size than Extrafine it is also highly suitable for use in beefburgers to help bind and absorb free water.

Pinhead and Medium Rusk are the most popular grist size, widely used in the production of sausages, pies, other compound meat products and as an ingredient for dried stuffing mixes. The grade or blend used is dependent upon the speed of absorption required, the appearance and texture required of the finished product.

Coarse Rusk is the largest grist size manufactured and is used primarily in speciality products for example Haggis as well as being a major constituent of dried stuffing mixes.

Wholewheat Rusk is available in the following grist size:
Medium Approximately 2 to 2.25 mm size pieces a pale brown colour with typical baked whole-wheat aroma.
Grist sizes: (for guidance only)
- Extrafine 75% passes through a 0.250mm sieve.
- Superfine 95% passes through a 0.472mm sieve.
- Pinhead 95% passes through a 1.75mm sieve.
- Medium 95% passes through a 2.00mm sieve.
- Coarse 95% passes through a 3.50mm sieve.
Rusk can be packed in either paper or plastic 20 kg sacks or in 500 kg,
750 kg, 1000 kg, IBC’s.
Palletisation is as per customer preference
with the quantity per pallet to suit the customer stacked on either GKN Blue,
Wood or Plastic Pallets.