breadcrumb products
grain image
breadcrumb products



FT and George dissolve their partnership. George buys Pateley Bridge Mill. A new partnership is formed, FT Wood & Sons with George Bland Wood (1877-1964) and Frederick R Wood joining their father FT. The third son Arthur Wood joins his Uncle William at Bishop Monkton & Ripon Mills.


A Bread bakery is installed at Birstwith and FT Wood starts to manufacture ‘Crisps’ or Rusk as it is known today on a Bread & Tea Cake plant


Pateley Bridge Mill closes


1st World War. The Bakery reverts back to Bread making for troops stationed in Ripon and Rusk production halts.



Dallamires Way North, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1TL Tel: +44(01765 601711) Fax: +44(0)1765 607481 Email:

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